Prince Hall is recognized as the Father of Black Masonry to enjoy all the privileges of free and accepted masonry. Prince Hall died on December 4, 1807, after serving thirty-one years as Worshipful Master of African Lodge.
A "Warrant of Constitution" was issued for African Lodge No. 459, by the Grand Lodge of England; signed and sealed on September 29th, 1784 under the authority of His Royal Highness, Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, Grand Master, by R. Holt, Deputy Grand Master and attested by Williams White, Grand Secretary. After several delays for various reasons, the Warrant was delivered to Prince Hall on April 29th, 1787 by Captain James Scott, a seafaring man of London.
African Lodge, No. 459, remained on the English Registry until 1813, when the Union of the Grand Lodges of the "Ancient" and "Moderns" into the present United Grand Lodge of England, it and all the other Lodges in America on the English Registry were erased. The Grand Lodge of England evidently recognized the fact that her American children with African Lodge among the rest, were of age and well able to take care of themselves.
Please see the link to the MWPHGL of Alabama site for more information (LINK)